Reminiscence on the Communications Decency Act

“The Communications Decency Act, or CDA, was passed by Congress as part of the Telecommunications Act and signed into law by President Clinton on Feb. 8, 1996. The law aimed to extend to the internet the same ‘decency’ standard that applies to broadcast TV and radio.

“E-mailers, newsgroup posters, chat room participants and website operators who produced material judged ‘indecent’ were responsible for ensuring that minors couldn’t see it. Violators faced substantial fines and up to two years in prison.

“The victory in Reno v. ACLU [decided June 26, 1997] was the internet’s legal coming of age, earning it the highest protections of the First Amendment.”

Ryan Singel. They Saved the Internet’s Soul. Wired News. Feb. 08, 2006.

CopyCense™: K. Matthew Dames on the intersection of business, law and technology. A business venture of Seso Digital LLC.

Written by sesomedia

02/10/2006 at 09:00

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